Addressing changing market needs

Accueil / Markets / Industry / Adhesives / Packaging

In a constantly growing market, packaging products must be safe options that comply with even the strictest food regulations and standards. Our goal is to adapt to every requirement. To this end, we have developed high-performance resins that will make your packaging more environmentally-friendly while complying with all applicable safety requirements.

Chemical nature

  • All ()
  • A-en ()
  • A-fr ()
  • Acide rĂ©sinique & acide gras ()
  • Acides gras ()
  • adhesifs-applications ()
  • Agreste ()
  • Agrestic ()
  • Agrumes ()
  • AldĂ©hydĂ©e ()
  • Aldehydic ()
  • Amber ()
  • AmbrĂ©e ()
  • Autre ()
  • B-en ()
  • B-fr ()
  • Biocombustible ()
  • Biofuel ()
  • Bioliquid ()
  • Bioliquide ()
  • Bois de Santal ()
  • BoisĂ©e ()
  • C-en ()
  • C-fr ()
  • Camphoraceous ()
  • CamphrĂ©e ()
  • careers-portraits ()
  • carriere-portrait ()
  • Cedar ()
  • Cèdre ()
  • Champignon ()
  • Cireuse ()
  • Citron vert ()
  • Citronella ()
  • Citronelle ()
  • Citrus ()
  • Coriander Leaf ()
  • Creamy ()
  • CrĂ©meuse ()
  • D-en ()
  • D-fr ()
  • DĂ©rivĂ©s de Colophane ()
  • Developpement-responsable ()
  • Dispersions aqueuses ()
  • E-en ()
  • E-fr ()
  • Earthy ()
  • Empyreumatic ()
  • Empyreumatique ()
  • EpicĂ©e ()
  • Esters de Colophane ()
  • Eucalyptus ()
  • Eucalyptus ()
  • Extrait d'Ă©corce de pin ()
  • Extrait de pĂ©pin de raisin ()
  • F-en ()
  • F-fr ()
  • familles-olfactives ()
  • Fatty acids ()
  • Feuille de coriandre ()
  • Feuille de tomate ()
  • Fleur blanche ()
  • floral ()
  • Florale ()
  • frag-olf ()
  • FruitĂ©e ()
  • fruity ()
  • G-en ()
  • G-fr ()
  • GĂ©ranium ()
  • Geranium ()
  • Grape Seed extract ()
  • Green ()
  • H-en ()
  • H-fr ()
  • health-nutri-app ()
  • Hydrocarbons ()
  • Hydrocarbure ()
  • Hydrogenated resins ()
  • I-en ()
  • I-fr ()
  • indus-app-01 ()
  • indus-applications ()
  • industry-adh-app ()
  • industry-app ()
  • J-en ()
  • J-fr ()
  • Jasmin ()
  • Jasmine ()
  • K-en ()
  • K-fr ()
  • L-en ()
  • L-fr ()
  • Lavande ()
  • Lavender ()
  • Lime ()
  • M-en ()
  • M-fr ()
  • Marine ()
  • Marine ()
  • markets-world ()
  • MenthĂ© ()
  • Metallic ()
  • MĂ©tallique ()
  • Minty ()
  • Mushroom ()
  • N-en ()
  • N-fr ()
  • O-en ()
  • O-fr ()
  • Oily ()
  • Orange zest ()
  • P-en ()
  • P-fr ()
  • Pear ()
  • PhytostĂ©rol de pin ()
  • Pin ()
  • Pine bark extract ()
  • Pine phytosterol ()
  • Piney ()
  • Poire ()
  • Polyterpene resins ()
  • Q-en ()
  • Q-fr ()
  • R-en ()
  • R-fr ()
  • Resin acid & fatty acid ()
  • RĂ©sines hydrogĂ©nĂ©es ()
  • RĂ©sines polyterpĂ©niques ()
  • RĂ©sines terpènes phĂ©noliques ()
  • RĂ©sineuse ()
  • Resinous ()
  • Rose ()
  • Rose ()
  • Rosin derivatives ()
  • Rosin esters ()
  • S-en ()
  • S-fr ()
  • Sandalwood ()
  • Sante-nutrition-applications ()
  • Solvant ()
  • Solvants terpĂ©niques ()
  • Solvent ()
  • Spicy ()
  • SucrĂ©e ()
  • Sweet ()
  • T-en ()
  • T-fr ()
  • Terpene phenolic resins ()
  • Terpene solvents ()
  • Terreuse ()
  • Tomato Leaf ()
  • U-en ()
  • U-fr ()
  • univers-marche ()
  • V-en ()
  • V-fr ()
  • Verte ()
  • Water-based dispersions ()
  • Waxy ()
  • White flower ()
  • Woody ()
  • Zeste d'orange ()

EnPolyterpene resinsElastomers & Plastics ModificationIndustrialPackagingTapeTires

Dercolyte A 115

Tackifier resin produced by alpha-pinene polymerization

EnPolyterpene resinsIndustrialPackagingTapeTires

Dercolyte S 115

Tackifier resin produced by beta-pinene polymerization

EnPolyterpene resinsElastomers & Plastics ModificationIndustrialLabelsPackagingTires

Dercolyte TS 105

Tackifier resin produced by copolymerization of terpene and styrene

EnRosin estersIndustrialPackaging

Dertoline DEG 2

Diethylene glycol-esterified rosin

EnRosin estersCoatings & ConstructionElastomers & Plastics ModificationIndustrialLabelsPackaging

Dertoline G2L

Deodorized and stabilized glycerin-esterified rosin

EnRosin estersIndustrialPackagingRoad markings

Dertoline P 105

Stabilized pentaerythritol-esterified rosin

EnRosin estersIndustrialPackagingRoad markings

Dertoline P2L

Deodorized and stabilized pentaerythritol-esterified rosin

EnRosin estersCoatings & ConstructionElastomers & Plastics ModificationIndustrialLabelsPackagingRoad markingsTires

Dertoline PLS

Deodorized and highly stabilized pentaerythritol-esterified rosin

EnTerpene phenolic resinsElastomers & Plastics ModificationIndustrialLabelsPackagingTapeTires

Dertophene T 105

Light-colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with numerous elastomers, resins and waxes

EnTerpene phenolic resinsIndustrialPackagingTapeTires

Dertophene T 115

Light-colored terpene phenolic resin

EnRosin estersIndustrialPackaging

Dertopoline G

Glycerin-esterified polymerized rosin

EnRosin estersIndustrialPackaging

Dertopoline P 125

Pentaerythritol-esterified polymerized rosin

EnRosin estersCoatings & ConstructionIndustrialPackagingTires

Granolite P 118

Pentaerythritol-esterified rosin

EnRosin estersIndustrialPackaging

Granolite TEG

Triethylene glycol-esterified rosin resin with low viscosity and very low VOC content

EnHydrogenated resinsCoatings & ConstructionElastomers & Plastics ModificationPackagingTape


Hydrogenated rosin

EnHydrogenated resinsPackagingTape

Hydrogral G

Glycerin-esterified, partially hydrogenated rosin

EnHydrogenated resinsPackagingTape

Hydrogral P

Pentathyritol-esterified, partially hydrogenated rosin

EnHydrogenated resinsLabelsPackagingPersonal careTape

Staybelite Ester 10

Glycerol ester of a partially hydrogenated wood rosin

EnHydrogenated resinsLabelsPackagingPersonal careTape

Staybelite Ester 3

Triethylene glycol ester of a partially hydrogenated wood rosin


