The company
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The company
A world leader in plant chemistry, we produce pine-based ingredients. We benefit from a position at the forefront of each of our markets thanks to our unique industrial knowledge, our ability to innovate, and our close relationships with our customers.
Unique for our ability to use all pine derivatives, today we are the leader in the fractionation of crude sulfate turpentine and distillation of tall oil.
Whether it’s our activities, our development model or even our choice of innovations, we base our development on respect for nature and people. Positioned upstream in numerous industries, our more sustainable chemistry also allows us to influence the ecological transition of the markets.
Today, we export our skill all over the world, earning 80% of our turnover beyond our national borders. The global expansion of our activities goes hand in hand with the desire for sustainable development, which is essential for durability and stability.
Because economic development and responsible commitment are not mutually exclusive, our strategic decisions are driven by the desire to improve our performance and competitiveness while staying true to the spirit of individual and collective responsibility incumbent upon us.
We have been involved in sustainable chemistry since 1932
DRT was founded in the heart of Landes by seven woodland owners. Initial activities consisted of manufacturing the feedstock from natural pine derivatives destined for the rubber, adhesives, fragrances and chewing gum industries.
At Castets, DRT established a fine chemistry site dedicated to producing ingredients for the fragrances sector. This decision marked a turning point for DRT as it went on to invest in a market that was key to its development.
DRT signed the Responsible Care world charter, a chemistry industry initiative which aims for continuous improvement and excellence in performance in terms of the environment, health, and safety.
DRT began the first phase of registration for the European Union REACH regulation, which aims to better protect human health and the environment against risks linked to chemical substances while promoting the competitiveness of the European Union chemicals industry.
DRT launched its first 100% bio-sourced range: a 100% plant-based alternative for numerous industries, pushing the limits of research.
DRT installed a biomass cogeneration plant at its manufacturing site in Vielle-Saint-Girons, thus replacing a large proportion of the fossil fuel energy consumed by the site, preventing the release of over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 over 20 years of operation.